Vast amounts of money have been lavished on it. Shrouded in secrecy, it is home to the wildest dreams and darkest nightmares. €” Tad Williams, Otherland: Sea of Silver Light €œAfter all, is it not the way we humans shape the universe, shape time itself? Do we not take the raw stuff of chaos and impose a beginning, middle, and end on it, like the simplest and most profound of folktales, to reflect the shapes of our own tiny lives? And if the physicists are right, that the physical world changes as it is observed, and we are its only known observers, then might we not be bending the entire chaotic universe, the eternal, ever-active Now, to fit that familiar form?†Read more of IGN’s interview with gamigo’s Patrick Streppel and RealU’s Andrew Carter here. The quests play on both the virtual setting of Otherland and the illusion within each game world.†The other revolving around the larger events unfolding in Otherland and the true purpose of its existence. €œBroadly the quest themes follow two threads, one connected to the local events taking place within each of the Otherland worlds where the inhabitants do not realise they are simulations.

All these locations exist within a singular virtual space known as the Multi-Verse and are connected together by a vast array of programmable portals… All of the worlds are freely open to be explored by all players providing they have aquired the portal address needed to reach them via questing and leveling. Each world in turn contains dozens of sub-locations. €œThe player will travel to many rich, varied and fantastic worlds,†RealU’s Andrew Carter told IGN, “some that are are inspired by the Novels including Lambda Mall, 8 Squared, Mylands and many others. Read more of the Multiplayer Online Games Directory interview with gamigo’s Patrick Streppel here. We already talked about some innovations like the eDNA system and MyLand, but once we debut gameplay scenes, players will see why the action-based combat system is yet another step ahead of traditional MMOGs.†Hanging out at bars and playing minigames is a cool addition, but at its core, players will find a solid MMORPG complete with interesting quests, XP-based character development, party and guild formation, individualized skills, upgradable or crafted items and most importantly, fun and engaging combat. We were a bit surprised by that reaction because our aim with the first trailer was not so much to introduce the gameplay, but to introduce the unique scenario and stylish Unreal 3-powered graphics of Otherland as well as some innovations like the eDNA-system. €œWhile Otherland has many innovative features and twists to the traditional MMORPG-gameplay, it very much is a role playing GAME and by no means a social space similar to Second Life. €œâ€¦at its core, players will find a solid MMORPG complete with interesting quests, XP-based character development, party and guild formation, individualized skills, upgradable or crafted items and most importantly, fun and engaging combat.â€

Over the lifecycle of the MMO, an endless amount of worlds will be rebuilt and repopulated, but of course the Grail brotherhood has a say in that as well…

Those who read it know that Otherland changed dramatically, and now it will be up to the players to get it fully back online.

“Since a game progresses in a different way than a novel, it was decided early on that it would be best to set the story of Otherland after the fourth book. He is truly passionate about his vision being turned into a game,†Patrick Streppel — Co-CEO of gamigo AG — told. €œTad has been very involved in the project from the beginning and provided lots of input to the development team on top of the source material. Gamigo will handle online publishing, while dtp Entertainment will publish the retail version of this free-to-play MMORPG. The game is scheduled to be released in North America and Europe in 2012. A brilliant blend of science fiction, fantasy, and technothriller, Otherland is a rich, multilayered epic of future possibilities.Īfter several years in development, game studio RealU, dtp Entertainment, and gamigo are pleased to present Otherland, the Massive Multiplayer Online Game based on Tad’s epic series. Few science fiction sagas have achieved the level of critical acclaim — and best-selling popularity — as Tad Williams’s Otherland novels.